Monday, January 30, 2012

Checking out the new font

I wonder if this font is hard to read Let me know. I think it looks better since I increased the size of the font

Once again

Now I put a title on my new post. There is just so much too learn.
Back in 23 Things 2012. Hope to try and remember what I learned last year and have the fun of picking up what I missed. Here we go!!!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Baba Yetu

I had to memorize the Lords Prayer in Swahili for the choir I was singing with and I practiced by listening to this version on youtube. I find it quite compelling.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Trying to catch up!

I am behind on my homework but not by much.  I WILL learn "Prezi" tomorrow....
Will have to mull over what I will make my presentation about tonight....on the curling ice...hmmm!!! There might be the perfect idea!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Just catching up! Thing 2, Week 3

Wow....I really enjoyed my 2 week holiday but now I am scrambling to catch up!
     Have filtered through most of my email and now am tackling the "23 Things".   I have set up my iGoogle page and am looking forward to taking some more time to check out all the infinite choices and how I want it designed.  It really boggles my mind to see all the choices that are out I want a spider following my curser???
    Now to finish learning about setting up this blog.